Wednesday, July 20, 2022


     I want to talk about my home, but I realized that actually I don’t feel one, neither specifically nor physically, when I think about home, I’m thinking of the people who has been with me my whole life, or at least most of it, so when I think about it, home is not actually a place, home is something mental. I can say that even when I’m thinking about these people they are part of my life but they are not always physically with me.

In this home are my brother and sister, as part of my family and my closest people in my life, I have an incredible relationship with them as if it was a kind of connection between us where we do not even have to talk, we know how each thinks. My sister is older than me and she is a kind person also a sweet one but she hides it to everyone with a different personality which is completely different as someone with ruthless behavior, on the other hand, my brother, he is an incorrigible kid with a unique personality, he is so sociable for a kid or may be not, he maybe is just a kid and I don’t know. We understand each other really well, even though we are so different.

My parents as part of this home, both are incredible parents.

My mother reminds me of my brother. My mother is a sensible person, something characteristic of her is the fact that she thinks about other opinions making her feel weak in that aspect, but it's something that really doesn’t matter while she has a family.  My father is a thinker, he wants to know everything, he always wants to learn, and maybe I got that from my father, he is my favorite person to talk with. The conversations are relaxing and interesting, even though I don't talk too much with them because we don’t even have to talk to be aware of.

I think there are more people that are not family but I consider them part of mine, my friends. One of them, as I would describe him, he is responsible, also he does not think he just acts so he is a natural improviser. My other friend knows me more than anyone else, we are friends since we were just children, he is a loyal person and someone strong, these part is something really special because when we are available and the occasion just occurs we hang out for different places always making it fun because we rarely do it due to we live in different countries, but when it’s time we take advantage of it.

Last but not least - myself. The role of myself is so important as the others . Myself is an aloof person and a good learner. On the other hand myself is sometimes an overthinker, sometimes it is bad and some others it is not but it describes me. Myself interact with others as a trustworthy person, even when there is a lot of distance, they know me and we can be like a family who trusts and loves each other.

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