Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The story of a poet as part of history, one of the most famous poetess in ancient America. There was a beautiful, smart and lovely woman, her name Jazmin, her name comes from her mother's name Xochi that means flower in her language then Jazmin, since she was just a child being part of the high-ranking family she had a lot of free time, spending her time in the villages playing around and meeting people having a completely normal childhood for a child in that era, but all changer when she was about to turn 16 she would ascend to a range with responsibility, a higher range as the tradition says Jazmin now would be leading part of the troops. 

One of her first job was to colonize a small village where there is just a couple of families, she do not want to, but her father was telling her to do it and it is going to be a good point to start, she have a mentor who is going to teach her how to do it and specific things about it, when they starting colonizing she is scared and was carefully helping out people of the village instead of get them out of its village or as other cases killing them, her mentor is disappointed about it therefore he decides to take her to hunt and see if she at least might kill an animal, when they are already there with the sun hiding in the nightfall, he teach her how to hunt with a bow he sees the first victim, he aims and therefore he killed a little rabbit that is looking for food, he gives the bow to Jazmin, looking for any animal, she sees a little bird with a worm in his beak, when she sees it she could not kill the bird, feeling bad about it and feeling that tear in her eye with that feeling of desperation but in that moment they hear a weird sound in the surroundings the mentor tells her to keep quiet suddenly a wild animal attack the mentor from the back, it was a herd of foxes, he killed the fox who attacked him and then he yell “RUN!”.

They running away from the foxes they heard something different like people singing together and they see a light at the end of what is part of the forest, finally arriving they see a small village but Jazmin realize that his mentor is bleeding out, once the villagers saw them they help them out really quick and worried, when he was not bleeding anymore the villagers asked them what had happened and they tell them the story and then the villagers give them shelter, in the next day Jazmin and her mentor decided to go and see the surroundings therefore they go out and they saw all the people working on something different, one of the villagers standing out from the others. An admirable artisan preparing his mixture with different sculptures next to him, Jazmin sees the sculptures and immediately goes there.

The artisan tell to Jazmin if she want to he can make a sculpture of her, the artisan begin and immediately notice that she is perfect for a sculpture but then he thinks that it is not enough and he has the wonderful idea to make a statue of Jazmin, both were inspired by this that Jazmin on his breaks she starts to write poetry even out of her breaks she is writing, a couple of days later the mentor tells Jazmin to stay here for a couple of days more and he will be back, she just nodded.

The mentor is leaving the village to find their village where they came from, Jazmin is staying so she is posing for the statue, she is relaxed about everything. While the mentor walking through the forest hoping to find quickly the village, as a kind of memory the night is falling, this time he is prepared gripping the knife tightly, he finds a cave where he is hiding with a wood fire, in the morning he wakes up and he continues looking for the villager after miles and miles he hears noises as “people yelling” and then he screams to them “Heyyyy! Help” the people looking at him immediately they go for him with ropes on their arms, he is running away but finally they throw him down, tie him up and cover his mouth, he realizes that they are villagers, the villagers bring him to the village that he was looking for, when they arrive to the village they bring him to the place where they do sacrifices, there is her father of Jazmin waiting for him.

The villagers put him on the table where they do the sacrifices, the father asks him where is his daughter where he responds that she is in a village not so far from here, the father gives him an opportunity to show them so on their way going they are going through the forest until they find this village, the mentor asks for Jazmin, one of the villagers respond she just ran away she told us that she was going to find you maybe you got lost so she was so worried, the mentor is feeling afraid about Jazmin and also what is going to happen to him, Jazmin’s father order to the villagers to sacrifice him, the mentor screaming in the background and begging for his life in the background Jazmin’s father watched a statue in the front of a house that looks familiar, it is the statue of Jazmin where next to the statue there is a paper with a poem on it, they never knew what happened to her, even currently all that we have is the head of this statue and a poem that she wrote. 


Wednesday, July 20, 2022


     I want to talk about my home, but I realized that actually I don’t feel one, neither specifically nor physically, when I think about home, I’m thinking of the people who has been with me my whole life, or at least most of it, so when I think about it, home is not actually a place, home is something mental. I can say that even when I’m thinking about these people they are part of my life but they are not always physically with me.

In this home are my brother and sister, as part of my family and my closest people in my life, I have an incredible relationship with them as if it was a kind of connection between us where we do not even have to talk, we know how each thinks. My sister is older than me and she is a kind person also a sweet one but she hides it to everyone with a different personality which is completely different as someone with ruthless behavior, on the other hand, my brother, he is an incorrigible kid with a unique personality, he is so sociable for a kid or may be not, he maybe is just a kid and I don’t know. We understand each other really well, even though we are so different.

My parents as part of this home, both are incredible parents.

My mother reminds me of my brother. My mother is a sensible person, something characteristic of her is the fact that she thinks about other opinions making her feel weak in that aspect, but it's something that really doesn’t matter while she has a family.  My father is a thinker, he wants to know everything, he always wants to learn, and maybe I got that from my father, he is my favorite person to talk with. The conversations are relaxing and interesting, even though I don't talk too much with them because we don’t even have to talk to be aware of.

I think there are more people that are not family but I consider them part of mine, my friends. One of them, as I would describe him, he is responsible, also he does not think he just acts so he is a natural improviser. My other friend knows me more than anyone else, we are friends since we were just children, he is a loyal person and someone strong, these part is something really special because when we are available and the occasion just occurs we hang out for different places always making it fun because we rarely do it due to we live in different countries, but when it’s time we take advantage of it.

Last but not least - myself. The role of myself is so important as the others . Myself is an aloof person and a good learner. On the other hand myself is sometimes an overthinker, sometimes it is bad and some others it is not but it describes me. Myself interact with others as a trustworthy person, even when there is a lot of distance, they know me and we can be like a family who trusts and loves each other.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Who is Driving the Story

 Who is Driving the Story?

In The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, much of the focus is on the mother. In the memoir we can see how the mother drives all the story and  all the life of her daughter. This clearly affects Jeannette in her daily life and her problems are the product of what the mother does. Even when Jeannette becomes a successful adult she still cannot enjoy her own success because of her mother. This makes Jeannette more desperate and she needs to solve the problem. It is the mother again who drives the story and convinces Jeannette to tell the truth and create The Glass Castle.

When we talk about a mother controlling the life of her children we can think that the children are exaggerating, but in this story we can see how the daughter was treated and of course it is not normal. When Jeannette is in the hospital a nurse offers her a piece of gum. When the mother finds out about who gave it to her, she makes a disgusted expression “Ugh” and then how Jeannette's tells it “she disapproved of chewing gum, she went on. It was a disgusting low class habit, and the nurse should have consulted her before encouraging me in such vulgar behavior” when she was 3 years old and how a dialogue can give specific details about the mother and how the mother resents Jeannette. 

The control Jeannette’s mother has over her is not always done in the same way, but it always has the same effect on the life of Jeannette, to the point that she cannot even enjoy her own house  “I’d tried to make a home for myself here, tried to turn the apartment into the sort of place where the person I wanted to be would live” What does she mean?  Jeannette cannot enjoy her own success, she cannot enjoy her own home, and she cannot enjoy the life she has made for herself because her mother was controlling and driving her life unconsciously making Jeannette feeling in that way of desperation.

Each time Jeannette is more desperate about the influence which her mother has on her life, and so she decides to talk with her mother. When she talks with her mother, after a brief conversation Jeannette tells her mother that she is tired of hiding the story behind therefore Jeannette offers her help but the mother being totally serious said that she is fine, she tells Jeannette that she is who needs help, and Jeannette asks “ What am I supposed to tell people about my parents?” her mother says “Just tell the truth, that is simple enough.” her mother told her to tell the truth but again she is controlling her daughter to solve Jeannette’s problems.

Jeanette finally told the truth about the control which her mother has on her, The Glass Castle may be one of her masterpieces. Thanks to her mother and with the fascinating idea of Jeannette to tell the truth through a story and take her mother’s idea literally as her mother told her to do it, just telling the truth…

Thursday, July 7, 2022


the first impression was the most important of the story we felt the words, it does not seem like words, I could feel it accurately as the story is going more deeply, in each case you can feel it in different ways but you will never forget that main feeling of shame, the solution I think it would be so easy, letting them live as they want to. 

To go more deep in the story you have to feel the words each one that describes how they feel, each character, because when you feel it you are wondering how would I feel? And then you will know how it feels exactly, the shame, the sadness and the attitude of each one, the mom where she is really happy in the way that she lives, her husband as well, the daughter over worried about what the people going to think about her.  

The story has an awesome development and I hope that it will keep going in that way.

 My first impression 

A month ago I was here at Yale, to visit the place and to know where we will have to go and then to visit some buildings in the area, therefore, my first impression at Yale is the approach that the university has about the social area, and we can see it through their buildings, through their people, and therefore its community.

The style of the buildings as I see them, they want to encourage history or something, and it is going deeper in the history and social area.

Something that caught my attention was a monument outside of the main library, it is like a water fountain it has calm water, slightly falling down, it has a timeline where you can see the number of women who has finished university and you can see how the number of women is growing up over the years, it is so extensive in the topic and you can express it in just one monument.

Also another thing that I like about the University is the libraries, you can find all that you want, about any topic and something in specific that I like were the small booths where you can stay and stay focus on what are you doing and of course with privacy.

The multiculturalism is one of the most attractive things at the university because it is so unique and so comfortable for the new people because you can know people from anywhere and therefore make it more attractive, for now I've got an incredible experience and I hope keeping it.

poster experience

My experience presenting my poster was good. It was a good practice, and it was really interesting because I did not prepare a speech so I w...